“Fair enough,” you say, “but I don’t exactly have a network clamoring to put my nonprofit's content on television.”
Well now you do. The Starfish Television Network, which launches in March 2007, has 24 hours a day to fill and they’re anxious to help your broadcast-quality programming find a broader audience.
Best of all, it’s free.
The Starfish Network is itself a 501(c)(3) whose mission is give voice to the many nonprofits whose capacity to do more and do better would be enhanced if more people knew about them and their mission.
What kind of programming are they looking for? Almost everything’s appreciated, but long-form programs are in high demand. What might that include? Everything I can think of; appeals, documentaries, award shows, galas, sponsored events, athletic events, telethons, entertainment shows, etc. Plus more that I can’t think of.
Most topics are welcome, but Starfish is selective in what they will air. The central qualifier is that the programming must support the mission of one or more 501(c)(3)s.
The Network broadcasts over the Dish Network beginning March 28. So if you have programming that might qualify, time is of the essence.
To learn more contact Starfish at 801.567.3180.
More on the Starfish Television Network in the days and weeks to come.
In the interest of full disclosure, Alden Keene and Associates is presently contracting with Starfish.