Tarek from Washington D.C. is the latest person to join the Cause-Related Marketing Googlegroup.
You can join, too.
When you do, each new posting to Cause-Related Marketing comes directly to your email box.
As an inducement, everyone that joins receives a copy of the "Five Flavors of Cause-Related Marketing," which explains Cause-Related Marketing in an easy-to-follow matrix and includes examples.
It's a great brainstorming tool and helps ensure that your campaign has all the bells and whistles appropriate for that flavor of Cause-Related Marketing.
To join, simply send your name, your email address, city and country to aldenkeeneatgmail.com.
The city and country thing helps me know for whom I'm writing.
Your privacy is important to me, so be assured that I will never sell your name or contact information to any third party.
Warm regards,
Paul Jones
Alden Keene & Associates, Inc.