Kenta H. from Seattle is the latest person to join the Cause-Related Marketing Googlegroup.
You can join, too.
When you do, each new posting will come directly to your email box. No more typing in the unwieldy causerelatedmarketing.blogspot URL! Or finding the URL link through another site.
As an inducement, everyone that joins receives a copy of the “Five Flavors of Cause-Related Marketing, or the five-page “Corporate Benefits of Cause-Related Marketing” memo, which include footnotes. The choice is yours.
Use them to brainstorm new cause marketing ideas or bring a little gravitas to your proposals.
To join, simply send your name, your email address, city and country to aldenkeeneatgmaildotcom.
The city and country thing helps me know for whom I’m writing.
Your privacy is important to me, so be assured that I will never sell your name and contact information to any third party.
Warm regards,
Paul Jones
Alden Keene & Associates, Inc.