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Turning Data Into Information

An Average Hour for Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki, Seven Months for Me

On Tuesday, October 17, 2006 I posted my first entry on this blog called Eyeballs vs Tears. According to Google Analytics, in the 202 days since the blog has received about 4380 visits and 7300 pageviews, for an average of 1.67 pageviews per visit.

I confess I’m pretty proud of those numbers, although they probably represent at best an average hour’s worth of traffic at Guy Kawasaki’s or Seth Godin’s blogs.

Nonetheless, I think it’s instructive to parse the data revealed in Google Analytics and try to turn it from ‘data into information,’ as the immortal Peter Drucker (seen above) used to say.

Not surprisingly, the most common Google search terms were phrases like “cause-related marketing,” “cause related promotion,” or variations on a theme.

More than 200 visits came courtesy of Newsweek magazine’s article on the Red campaign in which I’m quoted.’s roundup of nonprofit blogs called Give and Take, where this blog has been featured several times, has generated 175 referrals. By contrast, natural search on Google has generated more than 2,000 visits.

Thus, while referrals, especially from the ‘old’ media can drive traffic and build respectability, the biggest chunk of traffic comes from ‘new’ media.

In terms of postings, the most popular was the Top 5 Bottom 5 Cause-related Marketing Campaigns of 2006. The next three most popular were Montblanc Nicolas Cage Ad, followed closely by the Viva Glam Lipstick for the MAC Aids Fund, and Using Celebrities to Enhance Your Cause-Related Marketing. It appears that people interested in cause-related marketing believe there’s a strong role for celebrities and glamour.

Among postings that received 50 or more unique pageviews, Keeping Your Cause-Related Marketing Relationships Fresh had the highest average time spent on that page; 3:33 minutes. That leads me to believe that there’s a hunger for information about the people part of cause marketing.

I have tried not only to highlight and dissect the big cause marketing campaigns like Susan G. Komen, Red, the Red Dress campaign and others, I’ve also aimed my radar at smaller efforts, like the Rocky Mountain Power Cool Keeper Program and Silk Soymilk and the Bonneville Environmental Foundation. Neither have generated much readership.

When I have tried to be self-consciously clever I’ve had mixed results. I thought I’d get calls from book publishers after I posted Cause Marketing and Galvanic Corrosion. But most people found it about as exciting as rust. My posting on the need for a ‘MacGuffin’ or a mechanical devise that impels action in cause marketing campaigns did better. Still, no calls from publishers.
The great plurality of visitors come from the United States. But I’ve had readers from a total of 83 countries on six continents, none more surprising to me than a visitor from Myanmar who read 19 pages! But early on a great number of my readers came from Europe and Asia, especially China.

As a result although I’m an American and all but a small handful of the cause marketing campaigns I’ve reviewed have been American campaigns, I’ve conscientiously tried to write posts that I thought had at least some application for cause marketers whether they were in Mauritius, Morocco, Mexico or Massachusetts.

I’ll end on a related note. For my readers everywhere, I hope you'll share with all of us notable cause-related marketing campaigns where you live along with your review. Please direct any campaigns to aldenkeeneatgmaildotcom. And if it’s not in English, please include a translation.

And thanks to all of you for finding and reading Cause-Related Marketing. It’s been fun!


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