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Review of Jocelyn Daw's Book Cause Marketing for Nonprofits

Blogger’s Note: On the right side of the site you’ll see an Amazon ad for books about marketing, cause-related marketing, an informal learning and education that I’ve read and can recommend. One of those books is Jocelyn Daw’s book Cause Marketing for Nonprofits, from John Wiley & Sons. I reviewed the book for the We Review section of, where you can also read this review. And special thanks to Steve Nill, CharityChannel’s founder, for his patience.

I’ve been reading cause-related marketing books for almost 10 years now and can trace the arc of their development.

They started out being highfalutin, even ethereal. Brand Spirit by Saatchi & Saatchi veterans Hamish Pringle and Marjorie Thomson which came out in 1999 and 2001’s The Cathedral Within by Bill Shore imbued cause-related marketing with an almost mystical power to save companies, causes and individuals.

Shore, who founded the hunger charity Share Our Strength, compared the meaning businesspeople could find in helping nonprofits to building a cathedral. In that formulation cause-related marketing felt less like a promotional tactic or business strategy and more like a call to build “a city on a hill.”

Nowadays cause marketers have ceded some of that high ground to green marketers.

In time the books started coming back to earth. But they still tended to be heavy on good feelings and light on practical help. There were plenty of examples of campaigns, but not much help if you needed to move from grand theories to brass tacks practice.

If you accepted Shore’s premise that the intersection between cause and commerce was like a cathedral, too many of the authors expected you to be able to create new cathedrals by merely looking at pictures of cathedrals.

That’s why I’m glad to review Cause Marketing for Nonprofits by Jocelyn Daw, a longstanding Canadian cause marketer.

Daw who started doing cause-related marketing in 1988-89 for the Canadian Parks Partnership, tackles the nuts and bolts of cause-related marketing. How to manage the relationship, how to integrate a campaign across multiple channels, how to draft your first CRM agreement, how to look at assets and create value, the differences between selling products using cause-related marketing and issues, and more.

This is a cause-related marketing book for people on the nonprofit side of the equation who’ve bought the land (and maybe cleared it, too) and now need the instruction manual for building the cathedral.

Daw over-relies on the Cone cause marketing studies. She cites on no less than 20 separate pages. There was a very long stretch when cause marketers had only the Cone cause marketing studies to give evidence of the efficacy and appeal of the practice. But that’s no longer the case.

There are now dozens if not hundreds of surveys, reports, papers and academic journal articles that undergird cause-related marketing, including experimental data. And in my view more of them should have found their way into the book.

Cause Marketing for Nonprofits is written to be read cover to cover. So with that said, here are the chapters:

Part I The Cause Marketing Movement
1. The New Corporate-Nonprofit Engagement
2. Integrating Value and Values
3. Evolution of Cause Marketing

Part II Cause Marketing Initiatives: The Seven P’s; Best Practices, Case Studies
4. Cause-Marketing Products
5. Cause-Marketing Issue Promotions
6. Cause-Marketing Programs

Part III Getting it Right: Framework for Success
7. Creating a Cause-marketing Orientation: Cause Preparedness
8. Building the Cause-marketing Program: Collaboration, Combining Assets, Creating Value
9. Implementing the Cause-Marketing Program: Execution and corporate and Community Outcomes
10. National Organizations: American Heart Association and First Book.

Part IV Making it Happen: Best Practices Case Studies
11. Local Organizations: Food bank (New York City) and Canadian Cancer Society (Vancouver Island Region, British Columbia and Yukon District)
12. Cause-Marketing Principles and Cautions: Seven Golden Rules and Seven Deadly Sins


Jocelyne Daw said…
Thanks so much for reviewing my book. I was really delighted with the positive comments and suggestion of its practical hands-on nature.

When I was at the end of writing the book I realized that a book for nonprofits on branding would be a great companion to the Cause Marketing for Nonprofits booking. I am now at work on this book and am co-authoring it with Carol Cone and Kristian Darrigan. In fact I just got back from Boston and Kristian forwarded me the book review.

Our goal in writing what will be the first major book focused on building the nonprofit brand, is to reveal the critical principal and principles used by visionary nonprofits. It will query and uncover the practices of fifteen stand-outs (of all sizes and types) that have consciously integrated their brand, internally and externally into their organization’s culture, systems and actions. As a practical roadmap, we hope the book will be an essential tool for nonprofit leaders, board members, and volunteers, as well as communications professionals, development consultants, marketing agencies, academics, students and all those interested in catalyzing dynamic growth for the organizations they serve.

Watch for it in early 2010! Best wishes, Jocelyne Daw

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