Back again with another reporter looking for sources for a holiday giving guide in a national women's magazine, including cause-related marketing. Note the deadline is August 22.
Best wishes,
Paul Jones, President
Alden Keene
Summary: Your fave charities/ways of giving?
Category: General
Name: Lynn Harris
Email: lynn@lynnharris.net
Title: freelance
Media Outlet/Publication: national women's magazine
Anonymous? No
Specific Geographic Region? No
Deadline: 6:00 PM EASTERN - August 22
Query: "Xmas in August! I'm compiling a (long) list of small-but-significant ways for readers to give charity/their time this holiday season. Seeking: (1) smaller or non-obvious charities readers may not have heard of, including specific programs (could be run by larger charities) with concrete/tangible incentives, e.g. "$25 gets 10 malaria-threatened children mosquito nets," "protects 1/2 acre of rain forest," "buys 5 blankets for children of incarcerated mothers." International, national, local, too, as long as it has broad appeal. (2) ideas for in-kind donations, e.g. places to donate your used cell phones and glasses (listed both of those last year, alas, so can't repeat). (3) ideas for not-so-random acts of kindness, like shoveling your neighbor's driveway. (4) Plus any other sneaky ways to give, like holiday shopping at Xwebsite that donates 10% of sales to XYZ cause. This was a hugely popular feature last year, so your helping ME can actually make a difference for jillions of others. Thanks! Lynn
Category: General
Name: Lynn Harris
Email: lynn@lynnharris.net
Title: freelance
Media Outlet/Publication: national women's magazine
Anonymous? No
Specific Geographic Region? No
Deadline: 6:00 PM EASTERN - August 22
Query: "Xmas in August! I'm compiling a (long) list of small-but-significant ways for readers to give charity/their time this holiday season. Seeking: (1) smaller or non-obvious charities readers may not have heard of, including specific programs (could be run by larger charities) with concrete/tangible incentives, e.g. "$25 gets 10 malaria-threatened children mosquito nets," "protects 1/2 acre of rain forest," "buys 5 blankets for children of incarcerated mothers." International, national, local, too, as long as it has broad appeal. (2) ideas for in-kind donations, e.g. places to donate your used cell phones and glasses (listed both of those last year, alas, so can't repeat). (3) ideas for not-so-random acts of kindness, like shoveling your neighbor's driveway. (4) Plus any other sneaky ways to give, like holiday shopping at Xwebsite that donates 10% of sales to XYZ cause. This was a hugely popular feature last year, so your helping ME can actually make a difference for jillions of others. Thanks! Lynn
Please email: lynn@lynnharris.net
PS Actually, does anyone happen to know of a charity/organizationthat helps babies & their incarcerated mothers? "