Just a quick note of thanks for your 1 pack = 1 vaccine campaign benefiting UNICEF.
You may know that I love these ‘buy one, give one’ campaigns. They’re the best thing to come along in cause-related marketing in a long time. Consumers respond to them. They understand them. They feel good about participating in them. And they can generate crazy word-of-mouth.
Your execution has been dynamite, including the follow-up FSI page in the August 31 Proctor & Gamble brandSAVER. Consumers want to know what happens after all the talk and promotion. I appreciate the transparency on your website as well that describes the exact donations made. Smart!
I have to say something about the TV ad, too. It gives me a visceral reaction every time I see it. The moment when the Asian toddler waddles over for a hug and kiss is pure magic. Normally that would be a cheap visual cliché, but by gad it nearly reduces me to tears every time. And I’m not exactly your target market.
The track… ‘Dream’ from Angela McCluskey… is wonderful and the accented English narration from actress and new mother Salma Hayek strikes the ideal tone. I don’t know if you hired the director and the editor or if the agency did, but they both deserve a bonus.
If I had to complain about anything in the TV ad it would be the sorta back-lot at Universal Studios look to the set. It’s been dressed up as best as could be. But I swear Hillstreet Blues was shot on that same set.
All in all, nice work!
Warm regards,
Paul Jones, President
Alden Keene & Associates