Economy Slowing Philanthropic Giving by Small Business
A survey of small businesses, published by The Chronicle of Philanthropy and sponsored by Advanta, finds them enthusiastic for charitable giving, but retrenching in the slowing economy.
Small business… companies with fewer than 500 employees… is the most vibrant chunk of the U.S. economy employing about half the nation’s workforce. In the survey of small business 66 percent who donate through the company, donate cash, 51 percent volunteer, 41 percent give services and 39 percent make in-kind donations.
The economy has affected the mood of small business when it comes to philanthropy. Sixty percent say the economic turmoil has negatively affected their charitable giving. Thirty-eight percent say they’ve given less this year, 47 percent say their philanthropy has held steady and 14 percent say they’ve given more.
mGive Donates TV Commercial for Keep a Child Alive
mGive, which provides the mechanism that allows charitable donations to be added to donor’s phone bills in $5 chunks, donated an ad buy on MTV to Keep a Child Alive, the charity for kids with AIDS in Africa.
As I’ve posted in the past, mGive has been successfully used in the past in conjunction with outdoor media and events. But this is the first time mGive has been used with a TV ad. The creative features singer and songwriter Alicia Keys.
Advanta’s Ideablob Open to Charities and Social Entrepreneurs, Gives Away $10,000 a Month
Ideablob, a social media site for entrepreneurs, charities and social entrepreneurs gives away $10,000 a month to ideas that receive the most votes from users.
To get a feel for it, I posted my own Ideablob and my takeaway is that charities and social entrepreneurs that could rally voters, could probably finish in the money.
Check my Ideablob here.
OfficeMax Expanding Its Line of Office Materials Made from Trash
OfficeMax and TerraCycle…which makes pencils, paper, backpacks, binders and other items from materials like elephant poop, coffee grinds, wine corks, cookie wrappers, and computer diskettes… are doubling the line available in OfficeMax stores.
TerraCycle donates a few pennies to charity for items like used soda bottles, wine corks, drink pouches and the like.
I’m giving TerraCycle short shrift here, but do visit their site and check out one of the most interesting business models anywhere.
Sorry I didn't get to drop by earlier. Our alert system didn't pick this up until now.
Thanks for the great info on small business giving. We are as interested as everyone to see how this economic downturn will affect giving.
Thanks for mentioning mGive! We are very excited to see the results of this campaign, and will keep you updated.
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