Made my annual pilgrimage to the nearby Hallmark Gold Crown store for Valentine’s Day (Feb 14) and couldn’t pass up the musical card display featuring songs by Celine Dion and benefiting UNICEF.
This isn’t transactional cause marketing, but rather a licensing deal with Hallmark that dates to 2006. In the course of the year, Hallmark offers more than 100 cards… only a few of which are musical cards… carrying the UNICEF branding.
I like the campaign. And I applaud the poor devil that had to clear the music rights. That is yeoman’s work, my friends.
But to me the messaging seems a little… to coin a term… 'Hall-mawkish.'
The line “where every child is free… simply to be a child” reads like a half measure. I know my Americanism is showing here, but don’t we want the world’s children to be free? Period. End of sentence?
And the opening line, “UNICEF and Celine Dion are committed to creating a world where children can grow up happy, healthy and hopeful…” draws too much equivalency between UNICEF, whose work is decades old, and Ms. Dion.
Celine Dion has been undeniably generous to UNICEF. But Celine Dion, age 41, is not the same thing as UNICEF, age 63.
Moreover, where are you and I in that paragraph? Where’s the call to support the mission of UNICEF? Where’s the sentence or two about the guts of what UNICEF really does? Where’s the appeal to the ‘better angels of our nature’?
Missing, I'm sad to say.
I just want you to know I am a very fond fan of Celine Dion. I am writing you, to ask if you know where I can find her Musical cards. I am in love with them, and I want to send one to my Daughter, for I want Celine to sing her a Happy Birthday song. I need it before the 22nd of June. Please help me.....I know Celine helps all children in desperate need, and I give her so much credit. Celine is my #1 Best Friend in the whole World. email me at kmartcarol@aol.com for a store to buy some at.
I found them in the Hallmark Gold Crown Store. But this was back in February 2009.
Good luck.