Remember your marketing class in college when the professor would show examples of consumer packaged goods that would tout ‘all new packaging!’ as though it were a genuine benefit?
Well, over the last week or so the cause marketing blog has gone through a number of changes, courtesy of Charissa Wilson at Triple Latte Design. And while the colors are all-new, I think the improvements to the blog are more than skin-deep.
First off, the blog is in a three-column design, which I think is easier on the eyes. Alden Keene’s definition of cause marketing is right up in the masthead, where you also see a bridge; a graphical representation of cause marketing.
In the second column my contact information is front and center and we’ve added a RSS feed that finds and displays news and information with keywords like ‘cause marketing, ‘corporate social responsibility’ and ‘cause related marketing.’
At the top of the third column, on the far right side, is a feed of images of cause marketing campaigns. Over the years I’ve collected thousands of examples of cause marketing and now, with these changes in the blog, I’m going to share these campaigns with you my faithful readers. There’s 21 images there now and as I add more, I promise that I won’t repeat anything I’ve already posted on. You can get a close up of any of the images by clicking on it.
Please comment below with suggestions.
Oh, and Home Depot, ING, MCI (now a part of Verizon and, strictly speaking, no longer orange) and other companies that use orange in their logo, feel free to contact me about sponsoring the blog. I’ve got some bills to pay. And we won't have to futz with the colors. 8~)