Tuesday’s post/exercise Cause Marketing Summarized in Six Words has already drawn a response from Time To Talk, the cause campaign from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Faithful reader Debbie Kellogg writes:
Faithful reader Debbie Kellogg writes:
Hi Paul,Submit your six-word cause marketing campaign summary and I’ll post it, too.
This was a fun exercise! I got several folks here at the Partnership for a Drug-Free America to help brainstorm six words for our cause campaign, Time To Talk (www.timetotalk.org).
It is a surprise to many parents that they are the most powerful influence in a child’s life – greater than their peers, celebrities, musicians and event athletes. The
Partnership’s research shows that kids who consistently learn about the risks of
drugs from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use than those who do not.
Our cause platform, Time To Talk, encourages parents to talk to their kids by
providing helpful tools, tips and resources not only to start but to also
continue the conversation over the long haul.
Here is our
Time To Talk
You talk. Teens listen. Drug-free families.
Best regards,
Debbie Kellogg
Director, Corporate Relations & Alliances
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America