That puts me in the company of Gladwell, Godin, the U.N., Kiva.org, Treehugger.com, and dozens of others.
From the opening paragraph:
"The world is full of visionaries and people who want to make a difference in the world, and many of those people share their knowledge online through their blogs. Whether you want to change the world through environment, humanitarianism, business, or any other way, there’s a blog out there that can offer you guidance and inspiration. Read on, and you’ll find 100 blogs that can help you change the world."If I was H.L Mencken, or Twain, or even Groucho Marx, I'd write something snarky right now about 'not wanting to be a member of a club that would have me for a member.'
Instead, I'll say thank you, Bestuniversities.com. That's very nice!
Thanks! That's very generous.
Congrats right back to you and operationkids.org for the successful fundraiser you produced last Fall that enabled the arrests in March of 14 people on charges of trafficking in child pornography.[http://bit.ly/4da3kq]
Anything that we can do to halt this terrible scourge is the right thing.
Warm regards,