“The logo was very heavily Campbell-branded,” Mike Salzberg, president, Campbell Sales, told Brandweek. “We’ve never gone outside as far as sharing it or getting partners. But now we believe there is an opportunity for partnerships, starting with the one we formed with the Grammy Foundation.”
(The logo on the left is the old one. When I get the new one I'll share it).
With this new ‘open source cause marketing’ approach Campbell is doubling down in the bad economy. “In a troubled economy, being able to collect and win any free stuff in places where they’re taking things away [works],” says Salzberg.
Now in its 36th year, Labels for Education has generated more than $110 million in goods and supplies for the nation’s schools. About 75 percent of the nation’s schools participate in Labels for Education.
Campbell’s renewed effort underscores something I’ve written about before. For companies with a generous impulse but a smaller philanthropic budget now is the perfect time to expand (or try) cause marketing, especially transactional cause marketing.