Now through December 31, 2010 when you ‘Like’ Coupon Mountain on their Facebook page, the company will donate $1 to Toys for Tots, up to $50,000. specializes in delivering discount offers to subscribers and visitors.
I confess that I don’t entirely understand the company’s business model, but I assume it’s based on referral fees and sponsored listings. But I think it’s safe to assume that the more people that subscribe and use the service, via the website or through Facebook, the better for So the approach, which rewards sign-ups (which would include Facebook ‘Likes’) is not surprising.
But it may come too late in the Holiday Season to be as effective a cause marketing promotion as it could be.
You, my faith reader are sophisticated as to the things of the world. You know that Toys for Tots can make good use of donations whether they come in December or in July.
However, for the less worldly-wise Toys for Tots screams Christmas gifts. So a promotion that starts on Dec. 1 and runs through the end of the month almost seems like it’s too late to get Christmas gifts in the hands of needy children.
It’s my view that should have started this promotion in early to mid November to run through the third week in December, give or take. could say that they donate to Toys for Tots on a rolling basis and that if people ‘Like’ them even as late as Dec. 21, that still can translate into toys for needy kids in time for Christmas.
Finally, I was going to suggest a ‘thrifty celebrity’ component as an add-on. Something like: “join me in getting some great deals and help bring joy to kids this Christmas through Toys for Tots.”
But aside from Jack Benny (see above), who’s been dead for 36 years and Minnie Pearl, who’s been dead for 14 years, I can’t think of any celebrities renowned for their thrift. So scratch that idea. specializes in delivering discount offers to subscribers and visitors.
I confess that I don’t entirely understand the company’s business model, but I assume it’s based on referral fees and sponsored listings. But I think it’s safe to assume that the more people that subscribe and use the service, via the website or through Facebook, the better for So the approach, which rewards sign-ups (which would include Facebook ‘Likes’) is not surprising.
But it may come too late in the Holiday Season to be as effective a cause marketing promotion as it could be.
You, my faith reader are sophisticated as to the things of the world. You know that Toys for Tots can make good use of donations whether they come in December or in July.
However, for the less worldly-wise Toys for Tots screams Christmas gifts. So a promotion that starts on Dec. 1 and runs through the end of the month almost seems like it’s too late to get Christmas gifts in the hands of needy children.
It’s my view that should have started this promotion in early to mid November to run through the third week in December, give or take. could say that they donate to Toys for Tots on a rolling basis and that if people ‘Like’ them even as late as Dec. 21, that still can translate into toys for needy kids in time for Christmas.
Finally, I was going to suggest a ‘thrifty celebrity’ component as an add-on. Something like: “join me in getting some great deals and help bring joy to kids this Christmas through Toys for Tots.”
But aside from Jack Benny (see above), who’s been dead for 36 years and Minnie Pearl, who’s been dead for 14 years, I can’t think of any celebrities renowned for their thrift. So scratch that idea.