In a like way, if your charity brand has the means, I highly recommend that you pick up a kind of cause marketing that I’ve come to call a ‘seal campaign.’ Seal campaigns are endorsements or licensing arrangements that carry the logo or seal of a charity, usually following an audit of some kind and the payment of a fee. Think seals of approval.

If the FSC were a car, it would be a rare $10 million Ferrari.
But even non-vintage Fords and Chevys can and do have successful seal campaigns.
The Pasadena Tournament of Roses for instance, has offered its seal of approval to Bayer rose and garden chemicals.
The Skin Cancer Foundation offers a seal of approval to a skin-care products, especially sunblocks.

I’ve opined here in the past that the Fair Trade Certified probably has a better chance at long-term success than rivals with their super-detailed certification processes. By contrast the Fair Trade Alliance requires only that buyers pay producers more for farmed goods and handicrafts than the prevailing market prices.
Could your nonprofit pull off a seal effort? Maybe.
It would probably need to meet a certain level of name recognition. And it wouldn't hurt if your organization’s name signifies what it does. Your organization would need to be able to develop some kind of standard that sponsors must meet. And it would need to have the will to enforce that standard honestly. If you can get away without actually having to physically test stuff, all the better.