Not so fast, Jack Frost.
In fact, plenty of opportunities remain for outdoor events during the cold winter months. You just need to think outside the Summer equinox box.
For instance, I’m helping a friend with a first of December fun-run benefiting the local homeless shelter. Weather in my neck of the woods can be pretty dicey in December. But that will be part of the fun because the short run will pass by the State’s biggest Christmas-lights lighting ceremony.
I’ve heard of snowmobile rallies, cross-country and downhill ski fundraisers, ice skating events, polar bear plunges, ice fishing tourneys, even golfing in the snow!
Add one more. A series of snowshoe events from Tubbs, which makes snowshoes.
Starting in January 2012 at nine locations in Canada and the United States you can participate in Stubbs Romp to Stomp (a fun name which puts me in the mind of the old Led Zeppelin song ‘Bron-Y-Aur Stomp’).
In Canada the event benefits the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) and in the U.S. it benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Early registration ends November 15, 2011.
Stubbs Romp to Stomp has generated $1.7 million for Komen in its 10 years. The events last year drew more than 6,200 participants and raised $450,000.
The events are set up almost exactly like any Komen Race for the Cure events. You can participate as a team or individual and there’s a fitness program to get in shape for the event. Money is generated by participants seeking pledges, entry fees, and local sponsors.
The only real difference is the snow!
So put on a warm thinking tocque and figure out how to fundraise in the cold.