Quick post today without any editorializing. I hope you’ll express your opinion in the comments below.
Cause.it is a mobile app that let’s businesses reward charitable behavior from charity volunteers with discounts and coupons.
Here’s how it works: volunteers grab the app and sign up in either ‘say cause’ or ‘do cause’ categories. 'Say' volunteers might Tweet or post in support of a cause. 'Do' volunteers offer something more hands-on and real-world.
Volunteers earn points for their activities which can be redeemed at local businesses. Local businesses reward people from their existing stock of discounts and promotions. For a fee they get a report that tells them what offers, causes, and people actually move the sales needle.
“At long last,” the explanatory video above says, “cause-related marketing has metrics.”
Cause.it appears to be limited right now to Indianapolis.
What do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?