The Starfish Television Network profiled several times in this blog space, began broadcasting on Dish 1000 on Wednesday, April 18. Not long thereafter it began streaming live on Virtual Digital Cable, vdc.com.
Starfish [itself a 501(c)(3) public charity] airs 24-7, so it still very much needs your nonprofit programming.
Almost all types are welcome, including long-form programs, PSAs, documentaries, televised galas and award programs, sports events with a charitable angle, you name it.
But Starfish isn't indiscriminate. As per its nonprofit status, the programming must be must informational and educational in nature.
Oh, and airing programming on Starfish is free to nonprofits!
Starfish has a second need and that's for money to keep the channel on the air. As a public broadcaster Starfish is subject to FCC rules and regulations, much like PBS. So the staff and board of Starfish is actively seeking grants and sponsorship from corporations, foundations, and individuals.
To learn more about those opportunities, contact Starfish at 800-624-1844 or info@starfishtv.org.
In the interest of full disclosure, Starfish TV is a client.